Engine Noise May Not Be Catastrophic!

Sometimes an engine knock means bad lower end bearings or piston trouble. Often, however, simpler tune related noises can mimic a serious engine knock. Before tearing our Jeep 4.0L engine apart, we thoroughly cleaned the top end and injectors with S.U.R.&R.’s professional grade tools and Sea Foam® Motor Treatment.
While the internet is rife with concerns about 4.0L Jeep engine piston slap, our diagnostic work pointed to carbon buildup and injector issues that can mimic piston noise. Many engine tear downs for piston slap have been a waste of time and expense when the issue is simply service and tune related. For details on the preliminary in-depth diagnosis of the engine noise, go to:

In the procedures outlined, one point should become obvious: Servicing a modern emission engine should always include a top engine and injector cleaning. This is especially true if the engine has run on low-octane, cheaper fuels. Sea Foam® Motor Treatment proved a key part of this process. In these how-to videos, see each step involved and the impressive results achieved. After just over an hour of actual shop time, our engine ran reliably and noise free without the need for major work.

While there are cases where the engine really does have piston skirt or more serious internal mechanical problems, it still pays to rule our simpler issues like carbon buildup and injectors that need cleaning. Consider doing this before rebuilding or replacing the engine. To be clear, top engine and injector cleaning is not a solution for a mechanical problem like a pending piston skirt failure. However, in most instances it would be wise to attempt these tuning measures first. If the knock remains, there is more serious trouble.

Regular use of Sea Foam® products will keep carbon buildup and injector clogging at bay. For tools, S.U.R.&R. is our shop’s choice for affordable, high quality tuning and troubleshooting/diagnostic equipment. Any serious DIY or professional engine tuner should consider using these products routinely. For more details, see these official websites: