Home How-to Video Moses Ludel’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine – High Rock Canyon Travel Video

Moses Ludel’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine – High Rock Canyon Travel Video

by Moses Ludel

Jeep 4WD Travel & Adventure: Fall Trip Over High Rock Canyon Trail!

One of Nevada’s best resources is wide open space! The Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Conservation Area, under the protection of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, offers incredible scenery, Far West history and an opportunity for some moderate four-wheeling with friends and family. Nearby sites of interest include the Black Rock Desert, several hiking areas (including wilderness), the Sheldon Antelope Range and Soldier Meadows Ranch…

Note: I visited the Granite Mountains and Black Rock-High Rock Canyon region in the spring and fall of 2009 on assignment for 4WD & Sport Utility Magazine. My full-length, color-illustrated article on High Rock Canyon appeared in the June 2010 issue of 4WD & Sport Utility Magazine. The story and photos are also featured at that magazine’s website. If you would like to read my account of Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon history, click here to access the magazine article online.

On Saturday, October 23, 2010, Moses and Donna Ludel, with a few friends, returned to High Rock Canyon. Despite overcast, rainfall, a chill factor and considerable wind, Moses video-filmed the 4WD trip. Click below to enjoy the fall trip video!

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—Moses Ludel

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