HD Video Close-Up: Kevin Carey’s Rubicon Running Jeep JK Wrangler!
Wheelers for the Wounded co-organizer Kevin Carey shares his trail running 2007 Jeep JK Wrangler 4×4 in this exclusive HD video interview at the Rubicon Trail!
(If you have the bandwidth, open up to full-screen, HD video for best viewing and the full impact of this product review!)
On the Rubicon Trail during the 2012 Wheelers for the Wounded Super Rubicon Event, Kevin Carey describes the equipment on his 2007 Jeep JK Wrangler 4×4. The Jeep has special prepping for the toughest trails, and Kevin shares details in this HD video walk-around of the Wrangler. As co-organizer for the WFTW, Kevin’s Jeep JK Wrangler must perform flawlessly and dependably. The Jeep represents a well-equipped and thoughtfully prepped trail rig. Hear what Kevin recommends for the hard trails—and why. HD video highlights the Jeep JK Wrangler’s features!