This HD video covers vertical and overhead welding in the gas oxygen-acetylene welding process. See the welding process with comments in real time!
All-position welding is an essential skill for weldors. Overhead and vertical welds must take the same form and have the same quality and strength as simpler “down hand” or “up hand” flat plate beads.
For the automotive or 4×4 fabrication shop, all position welds include motor-to-frame mounts and cross members. Chassis and sheet metal repairs often require vertical or overhead approaches. Trail repairs involve all position welding, too.
Here is a horizontal bead run at an overhead angle. Note the position of the gas welding torch. Tip is a #2 for this 16-gauge sheet metal, the filler rod is ER70-S2 in 1/16″ diameter. Strength and bead pentration are comparable to any other weld. See the HD video for details!