Home How-to Articles Moses Ludel’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine – How-to: Completing the Gas Welding Exercise

Moses Ludel’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine – How-to: Completing the Gas Welding Exercise

by Moses Ludel

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‘How-to’ Welding Class: Completing the Gas Welding Exercises!

This HD video covers the final assembly and welds that make up the “cube”. Note the positions and options available for practicing your oxy-acetylene gas welding with a cube of sheet metal.

  (If you have enough bandwidth, the video is viewable in 1080P and full-screen mode.)

Gas welding a top and bottom to the project

     The “cube” is a good final exercise project for gas welding. 16-gauge sheet metal sides, top and bottom provide challenges at flat, vertical and overhead welding positions.

Completed cube in 16-gauge gas welded form

     The use of practice sheet metal is more affordable. ER70-S2 rod in 1/16″ and 3/32″ is also inexpensive. When you practice, use new or clean metal to assure good results. Make the most of the metal, gas and filler.

Gas welded beads join each edge of the cube

     Gas welding is as viable as any other fusion welding method. These welded beads have the stamina, quality and appearance of MIG or TIG. Light gauge metal can be difficult to weld and control heat. Gas welding proves as user friendly as any other form of fusion welding—arguably easier than some!

 There are six demonstration videos and practice exercises in this section. You will find a variety of gas welding and brazing articles and HD videos throughout the ‘How-to: Welding Class’ Series!

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