Live Narrated Slideshow: ‘How-to’ Transmission Gear and Iron Transmission Case Restoration…
At the 2011 Midwest Willys Reunion, Moses Ludel was the guest banquet speaker. To best serve this niche vintage Jeep enthusiast group, he discussed a variety of mechanical restoration processes. NOS parts availability has decreased dramatically. An increasingly important practice is the restoration of gears and casting components. In this video slide presentation, Moses shares the repair and restoration of an obsolete transmission gear and a broken transmission flange. These steel and cast iron fixes were done with TIG/GTAW D.C. process.
The damaged and obsolete cluster gear is from a rare, mid-sixties Ford truck T89N overdrive transmission. The transmission case repair is vintage T86, which could be Jeep but is actually from a Hudson automobile. If you have a damaged transmission flange or a gear that needs restoration, review these steps. The video slides with captions have additional, live narration from my presentation.
These repairs of vintage, obsolete parts are possible with the use of the right filler materials. For filler materials, Weld Mold Company is our source!