‘How-to’ Welding Class: Gas Weld Vertical and Overhead Beads! This HD video covers vertical and overhead welding in the gas oxygen-acetylene welding process. See the…
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Moses Ludel’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine – Welding & Metal Fabrication Workshop
by Moses Ludelby Moses LudelWelding & Fabrication Workshop: Improve Your Welding & Brazing Skills For many 4×4 shops and Jeep 4WD owners, welding plays an important role. If…
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Moses Ludel’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine – Oxygen-Acetylene Welding & Brazing
by Moses Ludelby Moses LudelOxygen-Acetylene Welding, Brazing and High-Temperature Silver Brazing This ancient spring clip has been glass beaded but still retains oxidative etching. Gas welding with ER70-S series…