Cold Fire® suppression systems use a totally new approach. In our HD video review, see the details and hear about this advanced—and environmentally friendly—fire suppression equipment!

At left is the newest fire suppression approach—Cold Fire®. Relying upon non-toxic, plant-based chemical technology, this system is way safer to use than traditional dry chemical fire extinguisher systems (at right). Highly effective, Cold Fire® quickly suppresses a key “fire triangle” element: HEAT!

Two obvious places for Cold Fire® are the welding area of a shop and the stowage compartment of a backcountry 4×4! At left is the heat source for melting metal, which Cold Fire® can quench and cool quickly. Beneath the XJ Cherokee (right) is cheatgrass that fuels range fires and presents a major hazard off-pavement.

On the Rubicon Trail (left), a family stores camping gear in the trailer or Jeep 4×4. At right is the backup for an unruly campfire—or a vehicle fuel or underhood fire hazard. Cold Fire® works on most fires—with the exception of electrical fires. The water-based product has the same “non-toxicity” as pure water!

Whether you equip your shop or welding area with a Cold Fire® canister type extinguisher or simply tote an aerosol can in your vehicle, this product could be a lifesaver. Its unique ability to reduce heat rapidly provides solutions for ultra-hot fires and surface areas that need quick cooling or an effective heat barrier—including people or pets in an extreme emergency!