Caution: Vintage tapered axle shaft threads are vulnerable. Unknowing techs and DIY enthusiasts often tension too hard with a puller or beat on the…
thread repair
How-to ArticlesHow-to VideoNew Products
Moses Ludel’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine – HD Video Tool How-to: Using the OTC 7394 Hub Puller
by Moses Ludelby Moses LudelHD Video How-to: OTC 6574 Hub Puller with Adapter Kit for Jeep, Light Truck and Vintage Car Axle Service! Vintage Jeep 4x4s and AMC/Jeep CJ…
How-to VideoNew Products
Moses Ludel’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine – How-to: Dirt Motorcycle Final Drive Chain and Sprockets Replacement
by Moses Ludelby Moses LudelHow-to: Dirt Motorcycle Final Drive Chain and Sprockets Replacement! Dirt and dual-sport motorcycles require routine chain maintenance and periodic parts replacement. In this 28-minute HD…
How-to ArticlesHow-to Video
How-to: Time-Sert® Aluminum Thread Repair and Upgrade
by Moses Ludelby Moses LudelCaution: There is concern around mating stainless steel with aluminum. Especially in a corrosive (typically marine) or wet environment, the “galvanic” reaction between these…